Thursday, April 30, 2009 Y 8:52 PM

English summary
Vanessa Tan [18]

According to legend, an Ethiopian goatherd first discovered coffee. Coffee was a simple food and beverage for African tribesmen. Now, it is sold in large quantities worldwide, as one of the top value in trade. All exporting countries depend coffee as the main income and people depend it for their living and drink a lot. In 1975, a frost killed almost half of Brazil’s coffee trees which changed the prices drastically. In 1979, frost hit Brazil again, every tree lost result in no income for three to five years. The income loss is huge, considering 15 million trees lost. Brazil had to stop exporting of coffee and importers bought it in bulk afraid of the shortage. Prices increased and farmers planted more coffee, abundant when prices fell. Farmers began substituting coffee for other crops. Producers and consumers decided limit production to what the market can absorb, have a reserve and sell at an agreeable price.

[150 words]

Saturday, April 25, 2009 Y 2:46 PM

During 16-18 April, we have our school's Growth Camp. This year's camp is much fun than last year.
Day One
When I first arrived in school on wednesday , the school was buzzing with sound. Many people were excited I guess, especially the secondary one students, as this is there first time having camp in our school. We then assemble at the hall and we were dispatched into groups and teams. I am in group 6 ,team 6! Our groups have the secondary four and two students and secondary two's students theme is 'Enhancing Strength' while the secondary four students' theme is 'Determin the future'. We had ice breaking game in order to mix with other people. After that, we had lunch and think of the cheer we have to perform during the camp fire night.
We then have some useful workshops that are held in various places, like the goals setting workshops and the DISC workshop. It was fun and we learn more about our personality and how to enhance our goals setting in order to make realistic goals. After that, we painted our flag for the sentosa amazing race the next day. At night, we had the night walk in the bomb shelter. It was fun and not really that scary. There was no light and only little light source was given there. When we reached a certain stage, there was alot of chairs and there were ghost making sounds. Xiangting and I walked through the place and when we go out, those secondary four people in our group, jump out and scared us! Both of us screamed very loudly and we went out after that.
Day Two
We woke up early in the morning and started packing our stuff for sentosa amazing race. After we reach there, we started the game and then different groups headed for different places. It was fun afnd tiring, and many of us had sunburns.
Although, we were the last group to reach the final checkpoint. Everyone was having fun and it occurred to me that, no matter if we lost or win, we must enjoyed ourselves during the process.
Headed back to school and had the campfire after dinner. Campfire was fun. Really fun. The boys in our group had a stunning performance, and one of them sing the london chocolate roll theme song. All of us were laughing our heads off, and this performance had got us the second place for the competition.
Day Three
Last day in camp, and we had to pack up all our stuffs. We had to area cleaning in various places. After that we had our cheering competition! We cheer and we had fun. It does not matter even we did not win the competition. We just enjoyed ourselves but suprisingly, we got the first for this competition! All of us were shocked, of course. No one had expected us to get first. Then secondary one and three students started coming back to school for dismissal. When they arrived, everyone was in a very happy and excited. Secondary four student did the Chong Boon cheer and the trainer gave our school a cheer too.And finally, we headed home. We all had fun and during the camp, alot of us enjoyed it. Some even miss the camp. Good times have to go somedays.
That's all ! End here for now.

Vanessa Tan
2E2; Respect 2!
Studying in ChongBoonSecondarySchool!
This is MY Englishhh blog :D
Respect me &&& I respect youu tooo!

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