Sunday, March 22, 2009 Y 9:03 AM

Reflective Summary
I have learnt that whales and dolphins are very fascinating marine creatures that can amaze us every single moment. Research has proved to me that people around the world are saving these marine creatures and they are trying their best to preventing them from facing extinction. My perspectives have of course, changes a lot.
At first, I thought that the dolphins and whales are not facing any danger. Only when I research on this topic, then I really started to understand what they are facing. I felt sad and sorry for them and I hope that I can help them in some ways. I can help to spread the message of not hunting for their meat, throwing nets that are threats to them and stop polluting the sea that may lead to their breathing difficulties. Dolphins and whales are facing difficulties but different people are treating them differently. Some can live freely but some are facing death.
Do people know the importance of the dolphins and whales? Is it people are ignorance to what is happening to them? Or people choose to be cruel to them and make pollute the sea? There are so many different kinds of answers you will be getting if you are doing a survey. Climate change can also lead to many different kinds of difficulties to the marine creatures. If everyone helps to save them just by not polluting the sea and not throwing fishing nets into the sea, the world would be a better place for them to live. And in the future, our next generation would be able to see them. Then the world would be a better place for them to survive.

[280 Words]
Done by: Vanessa Tan[18]
Class: 2E2; Respect 2

Friday, March 20, 2009 Y 2:37 PM

5th Reflective Journal
Whaling is no longer a threat to whale anymore. Overfishing, hunting, climate changes and pollution are some of the threat to the whales. "It is still not known if some species will ever recover, even after decades of protection." It would be a sad case to learn that these creatures will not be seen many years later. If this happen, our next generation would not be able to see them and would not get the chance to get up close to interact with them anymore.
"This devastation happened because the reproductive rate of whales is low and the monetary value of individual whales was high." People out there are trying their best to save the whales but some people do not know the important are still hunting whales’ meat. People having sympathy for the whales, but some are just ignorance to what is happening to them. Pollution to the sea may cause breathing difficulties to the whales and nets are a threat to the whales.
They do not know how to get out once they are trapped inside. Whales are dying every moment if we do not save them and they will become extinct very soon. I learnt that conservation of the whales and dolphins are important. It is to ensure that everyone in the world can see them when they visited the country.
(224 words)

Taken from:

Done by: Vanessa Tan(18)
Class: Respect 2

Wednesday, March 18, 2009 Y 2:04 PM

4th Reflective Journal
The whales in the Bering Sea are poorly described, with even recent reviews of cetaceans' role in the ecosystem reliant on data from historical whaling records. And the climate changes in the Bering Sea are also affecting the whales. The reduction in sea ice has obvious and immediate ramifications on ice-obligated marine mammal species such as polar bears, walruses and ice seals. They are facing breathing difficulties and are facing death now. The whales facing difficulties are called the Grey Whales. What is different between whales and grey whales? Whales have the general shape of a fish with forelimbs modified to form flippers, a tail with horizontal flukes, and one or two blowholes for breathing, especially one of the very large species as distinguished from the smaller dolphins and porpoises, while grey whales are the whalebone of northern Pacific waters. That have grayish-black coloring with white blotches. It is also called devilfish. Different whales have different characteristic and some can fascinate you with something that you can never ever expected from them every second. I personally feel that whales are very amazing marine creatures just like dolphins and hopefully I can visit them and get up close to them personally.
(200 words)

Taken From:

Explanation of whales and grey whales are taken from:

Done By: Vanessa Tan (18)
Class: Respect 2

Tuesday, March 17, 2009 Y 1:59 PM

3rd Reflective Journal
It is very interesting to know that dolphins can do acrobatics! Young dolphins are old enough to leap jump in the water. Dolphins are interesting creatures that can fascinate you every moment. They have done a lot of sighting on the Dolphins to ensure that they are in healthy conditions. Some of the instructors goes down and play with the dolphins.
But there is one thing that I really cannot understand after reading all the article and research. Different parts of the world, different dolphins. They are facing all kind of difficulties. Why some of the dolphins are facing extinction, while the others can play all the times without facing any difficulties? Is it because people around the world did not know the importance of the dolphins? Or is it because people choose to ignore them? Some people can have sympathy towards these marine creatures, while some can be cruel towards them? People in New Zealand are trying their best to take good care of the dolphins, but people in Australia are trying their best to think of different kinds of ways to save the dolphins? Although they are in the same country, but there are two different kinds of people. They both know the important of the dolphins but they are both treating them very differently. This topic can be further argued and there will be different kinds of answers you will be getting. I hope that I will have a chance to get up close with the dolphins. They are such lovely creatures.
(248 words)

Taken from:

Done By: Vanessa Tan(18)
Class: Respect 2

Sunday, March 15, 2009 Y 1:32 PM

2nd Reflective Journal
I learn that there is a specific name for whales, dolphin and porpoises. 'Cetacean' is the scientific name (of the Order Cetacea). Porpoises are a kind of mammal and it is small to medium dolphin-like aquatic carnivores with dark gray to black body covering and a pale gray underbelly, the absence of a distinct beak, compressed spatula-shaped teeth, fused neck vertebrae, small triangular-shaped dorsal fins, and a rounder shape than their dolphin relations. Australia have recongised the importance of the mammals and have taken actions unlike other countires that do not take any actions to protect the dolphins and whales.
"The Australian Government has made whale, dolphin and porpoise conservation a priority and is a world leader in the protection and conservation of these species both in Australia and on an international scale." They are really thoughtful to save these marine creatures and it is important for dolphin and whale to survive many years later and hopefully our next generation can see these beautiful marine creatures. It has also deepen my understanding of whales and dolphin and I would definently want to save them from becoming extinct. And I guess these marine creatures will be grateful if they know that they are doing things to protect them.
(207 words)

Taken from:

And the explantion for porpoises is taken from:

Done By: Vanessa Tan(18)
Class: Respect 2; 2E2

Thursday, March 12, 2009 Y 1:14 PM

1st Reflective Journal
I learnt that in dolphin can help whales in doing many things, like rescuing them, and guiding two stranded whales onto the shore. People in Australia never heard anything happen like this before and it is really amazing. "The actions of the dolphin, well known locally for playing with swimmers at Mahia beach on the east coast of the North Island, probably meant the difference between life and death for the whales." If Dolphins and whales are really extinct, people in our next generation would not be able to see these animals anymore; it would really be a sad thing.
Whales and Dolphins are dying soon; everyone is hunting for their meat and also polluting the sea. People throw nets into the sea, not knowing that they will die from it. And if the sea is polluted, then they would not have enough oxygen to breathe. Dolphins help humans when they needed help. So we should really save the dolphins instead of ignoring them and letting them die. Dolphins are animals that are friendly. They help out with humans whenever they can and help them too. The dolphin saves the day for the people in Australia and they are really grateful for her.
(203 words)

Taken from:

Done By: Vanessa Tan (18)
Class: Respect 2

Thursday, March 5, 2009 Y 8:06 PM

The place that I always want to go is New York. But this dream of mine will somehow come true when I grow up. I always wanted to visit New York as I think that the place is really beautiful and it has nice scenery. I wanted to take beautiful scenery of any places that I go like Miss Cho. She has really taken a lot of beautiful photos and I hope to be like her. New York is famous for the fashion town and the town is beautiful too. I have not visited many countries as during holidays, we are not really free and there is a lot of projects and homework that are needed to hand in after the holidays itself. So it is quite difficult to arrange an overseas trip. But when we have the time, we will go to the places that we wanted to visit. I really hope this dream of mine will come true very soon.

Y 7:49 PM

Everyone has Childhood memories, it is only good or bad memories we had. For me, I had a very sad childhood memory at the age of seven years old. My grandfather passed away when I was only seven years old and he died due to lung cancer. He was a very good and kind man, who was helping anyone when they needed help. As I was the eldest in the family, he dotes on me the most. When I wanted stuffs like toys, he will buy it for me straight away without asking for the price. I always felt that I’m the happiest girl in the world, but bad news was told me a few months later.
My grandfather has contracted lung cancer. As I was a little girl, my mother just told me that he was ill. But from that day onwards, he never carried me again and I always felt something was very wrong. It was only then I realised that he was going to die within the next few months.
He died on the last day of the end year school holidays. I had never seen the whole family cried together and so sadly. My father cried the saddest. “It was only a matter of time.” My grandmother told me. I really miss him a lot. Until now, I really regret that I did not spend quality time with him together. But he will always live in my heart forever.


Y 7:05 PM

We had our annual cross country at the Nanyang Polytechnic this year. It was very generous of them to let us have our cross country there, and some of the teachers and students were running with us too. We were supposed to gather at the amphitheater and then go to the stadium together and run. We started celebrating the Total Defence Day first. Students of the National Police Cadet Cops (NPCC), National Cadet Cops (NCC) and the Red Cross Cadets demonstrated the basic life saving skills. Some was really very useful and can be use in our daily life. After that we proceeded to the stadium, and started our warming up exercise. We were required to run 2.8 kilometers, sound simple, but when we started running, it was really tiring.
After running, we went to the Milo van to have our break and drink. It was so cooling after we drank the Milo down. After that we went back to our places and started chit chatting with our friends. Teachers and principle were also running and some students were cheering for them. This year, we are very lucky to invite Pathlight students to join us. Most of them were running for their very first time and everyone was awarded either the top three awards or the participation awards. I learn that no matter what we do, we must persevere like what the Pathlight students did too.
Our class has gotten first for girls and second for boys. And pretty soon, we were being dismissed. It was a fun and memorable day there and we really hope that next year we will go there again for our Cross Country. Okay, that’s all for now! I’ll post again!


Vanessa Tan
2E2; Respect 2!
Studying in ChongBoonSecondarySchool!
This is MY Englishhh blog :D
Respect me &&& I respect youu tooo!

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