Saturday, January 24, 2009 Y 1:36 PM

Confession of a Entomophobia

"Buzz. Buzz" sounded something. "Buzz. Buzz" the sound came again. I hate this sound. Why do I have to hear this sound whenever I am in the park? I thought. It always happens in the afternoon. Bees, I thought. Oh my, I have a phobia of bees. I hate bees! I tried to shake off the bees. There it goes. Signing, I remember what happen when I was still a six year old child, when I am being attacked by the bees.

It was a lovely afternoon for every family to have a picnic in the park. I love to watch how the bees fly around the park and how to move from one flower to another. But one Sunday afternoon, after my family settled down in the park, a boy was playing with his brother. They were running around and throwing a ball to each other. They were having so much fun when the elder brother accidentally throws the ball and it hit one of the beehives. All the bees came out and they headed to the two brothers. Thinking the brothers were chasing the bees. I ran with them too. My parents were shouting at me to stop running. I did not listen to their advice. The next thing I knew, I was being attacked by the bees on my forearms.

I screamed as I ran, screamed till my throat hurts. I was in pain. The bees have attacked my forearms and they were all swollen like a pig's leg. My father came running towards me and carried me. The both of us were lying down on the floor, as still as a bamboo. The bees flew around and after a while, they left. I was crying as my father brought me to a hospital. I do not have to hospitalize but I need to come for some follow ups session. Ever since that incident, I have been afraid of the bees and avoiding them as well.

This was my past, and this was my future.

“Do you still love watching the bees flying?” ask my mother.

I took a quick glance at the future. I did not like what I saw.

“No!” I said.

(367 words) [week 5]

Done By: Vanessa Tan (18)
Class: 2E2; Respect 2 :D

Friday, January 16, 2009 Y 9:03 PM

Okay. Posting my Reflections for School Holidays.
Actually, I've quite a meaningful experience during the two months holidays. I went to my uncle's shop to work as a part- timer. It was fun and I really enjoy myself, even though i did make some mistakes sometimes.
Everyday, I will go there around 7.30 am and will end around 1pm. Sometimes, I will go home at a later point of time, as I will need to arrange the stuff that my aunt has ordered. When it meet on the eve of the chinese's prayer, I will be very tired and will definitely go home very late. During these days, it is the most busiest days. On normal days, it will be qutie free and easy. Lesser people, more rest. On the first day, I was very afraid to approach to people as i have not done it before. But as the day goes by, it seem much more easier. But, of course, I have found wrong money to them and it is very embarrassing. To be a good businessman, or in this case, businesswoman, our brains must work very fast and must remember some of the prices for the vegetables and fruits. It is very challenging, and I love the experience.
Although there was alot of mosqitoes, and i really hate it, the environment was nice. One of the interesting event is that an old woman talk to me in Hokkien, and I do not really understand alot. Although I am a Hokkien too. But seldom talk, so it quite a challenge for me. Then I ask my aunt what she's talking about,after talking for 5 minutes, she was actually asking the price and I could not answer to her. I was embarrassed, of course, as the old woman, say this, You are a Hokkien, how can you don't know how to say! She was talking in Hokkien too, and my aunt told me what she talking about. But never mind, I'll try again this holidays in December and will try harder this time round ! It's okay that I mistakes, but I learn my mistakes too !
Okay, I'll stop here for now ! Will continue next time !

Friday, January 9, 2009 Y 7:21 PM

My Journal on Growth Day. Today is Growth Day. Most of the time we were doing the Targets Setting for this year. My targets for the subjects is ....
- English (B3)
- Math (A2)
- Mother Tongue (A1)
- Science (B3)
- Literature (A1)
- History (A1)
- D&T (A1)
- Home economics (A1)
- Art (B3)
- Geography (B4)

As for my last year grades...
- English (B4)
- Math (B3)
- Mother Tongue (A2)
- Science (C5)
- Literature (A1)
- History (A1)
- D&T (A1)
- Home Economics (A1)
- Art (B4)
- Geography (C6)

I'm quite determined to hit all these targets. I am going to push myself very hard to hit all those targets that I have set. I will do more revision and more assement books. And for last year, in class position, I'm in the 9th position and in level, I'm in the 13th place. And for this year, I will try my very best to get either 7th or the 6th in class. And either, 11th or 10th position for level. Really hope that I can do this myself and of course I hope teachers will help me in my weak areas, especially Geography. Okay. I'll stop here for now. I will post again in the next post !


Monday, January 5, 2009 Y 5:09 PM

this is my Englishhh blog.
will post my reflection soon :D

Vanessa Tan
2E2; Respect 2!
Studying in ChongBoonSecondarySchool!
This is MY Englishhh blog :D
Respect me &&& I respect youu tooo!

No cbox (!)(:

January 2009
February 2009
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July 2009
August 2009
